Mississippi Society, Sons of the American Revolution

The State Genealogist is elected by the general membership attending the annual State Convention to serve for a term of one year and may serve for an indefinite number of terms.  He assists the Registrar in the review of all applications for membership and provides genealogical research to the Corresponding Secretary in the prosecution of pending applications.
The Historian is elected by the general membership attending the annual State Convention to serve for a term of one year and may serve for an indefinite number of terms.  He preserves the State Society’s historical records and items of interest.
The Recording Secretary is elected by the general membership attending the annual State Convention to serve for a term of one year and may serve for an indefinite number of terms.  He is responsible for the agenda and minutes of all State Society meetings, including the Executive Committee and such other meetings of the Society as may be required.  He is responsible for the recording and distribution of minutes and election of officers at the annual State Convention.
First Vice President
District Directors
The Sergeant-At-Arms is elected by the general membership attending the annual State Convention to serve for a term of one year and may serve for an indefinite number of terms.  He maintains good order and discipline at all regularly scheduled meetings.
The President, with the advice and consent of the Executive Committee, appoints the State’s three District Genealogists.  Representing the state’s three districts, the District Genealogists assist membership applicants in their respective Districts in the completion of their applications in the State Society.
National Trustee & Alternate National Trustee
Color Guard Commander

The First Vice President of the Society is elected by the general membership attending the annual State Convention to serve for a term of one year, but no more than two consecutive terms.  He is the Chairman of the Long-Range Planning Committee responsible for the planning, coordination and execution of the annual State Convention and choosing future Convention locations.  He is an ex-officio member of all committees.

Recording Secretary
The Corresponding Secretary is elected by the general membership attending the annual State Convention to serve for a term of one year and may serve for an indefinite number of terms. He is the designated State Point of Contact and attends to all matters regarding the National Society.  He is responsible for preparing the annual roster of membership, maintains a record of all pending membership applications to assist in their prosecution, and prepares the State Society’s Annual Report to the National Society.
The National Trustee and Alternate National Trustee is elected by the general membership attending the annual State Convention to serve for a term of one year and may serve for an indefinite number of terms.  They represent the State Society at all meetings of the National Board of Trustees.  The Alternate Trustee takes the place of the Trustee if he is unable to attend any required meetings.
District Genealogists
The Chaplain is elected by the general membership attending the annual State Convention to serve for a term of one year and may serve for an indefinite number of terms.  He conducts the religious services for the Society as required consistent with the liturgical duties at his home church.
The President of the Society is elected by the general membership attending the annual State Convention to serve for a term of one year, but no more than two consecutive terms. He is the Chief Executive Officer of the Society and Chairman of the Executive Committee.  He manages all business affairs of the Society, which includes appointment of all committees and committee chairmen, with the advice and consent of the Executive Committee.  He is a member of all State Society committees, attends National Congress, National Leadership meetings, all Southern District meetings, and at least two thirds of the State Conventions within the Southern District.
The Color Guard Commander is elected by the general membership attending the annual State Convention to serve for a term of one year and may serve for an indefinite number of terms.  He coordinates the State Society Color Guard and plans the schedule of supported events.  He maintains the State Society Flags, Charter, and other accoutrements.
The Chancellor is elected by the general membership attending the annual State Convention to serve for a term of one year and may serve for an indefinite number of terms.  He must be a licensed attorney-at-law and a member in good standing with the Mississippi Bar Association.  He serves as legal advisor to the Society.
Corresponding Secretary
The Registrar is elected by the general membership attending the annual State Convention to serve for a term of one year and may serve for an indefinite number of terms.  He examines all applications for membership and forwards them to the National Society.  He also keeps a register by name of all members and former members of the Society.
Second Vice President
State Genealogist
State Officer Descriptions

The Second Vice President of the Society is elected by the general membership attending the annual State Convention to serve for a term of one year, but no more than two consecutive terms.  He is Chairman of the Membership Committee, Audit Committee, and DAR/CAR Liaison Committee.

The Treasurer is elected by the general membership attending the annual State Convention to serve for a term of one year and may serve for an indefinite number of terms.  He collects all dues and fees for the State and National Societies, chairs the Finance Committee and is one of the authorized signatories on the Society and Convention checking accounts.
The President, with the advice and consent of the Executive Committee, appoints the State’s three District Directors.  Representing the state’s three districts, they provide advice and training to the Chapters within their District.  Along with Chapter Presidents, they act as liaison between the State Officers and the Chapter and represent their district on numerous committees.