Mississippi Society, Sons of the American Revolution

Silver Good Citizenship Medal

         John McBride           Michael Schenk      Bill Horne

Silver Roger Sherman Medal

        Erik Norman                                              Chris Heuer 
        Jim Pryor                                                     Done Locke
Isiah Edwards III
Robert Turner, Jr
William Lawrence
LTC Horace JOrdan
Leonard Fredrick Jr
James Daryl Gambrell

Lydia Darragh Medal

Nita Thompson

Medal of Appreciation Medal

                 Gale Judkins                          Mary Willard
                 Connie Hamilton                  Cindy Mangum
                 Dianne Horne

State Meritorious Service Medal

for long, faithful, and meritorious service to the MSSAR is a one time award.

    Max Hipp                   Jerry Lilly                 Keith Goodfellow

Silver Good Citizenship Medal

                 Dianne Horne                     Darla Goodfellow

2023 MS SAR

Annual Business Meeting & Convention

Mar 24-Mar 26, 2023

Outstanding Young Member Medal

Benjamin Eubanks

Patriot Medal

the state society’s highest award and can be received only once.

Larry Jolly
Ned Myers
Nathan Goss
Jerry Goss Jr
Allen Teague 
William Huff
Emile Dennis
Robert Abney

Military Service Medal

Molly Pitcher Medal

Bronze Good Citizenship Medal

         Finley Hootsell        Danny Toma            Daryl Gambrell

War Service Medal

John Rogers -El Salvador Civil War
Jonathon Stone - 
Charles Sleeper - SW Asia
Francis Milling - Vietnam
Robert Sabastian - Vietnam
Jason Phillip Bird - Global War on Terrorism / Afghanistan
Jeffery Scott Best - SW Asia
David Hart Robinson – SW Asia 
Billy Dean Williams - Vietnam
James Franklin Lance - Vietnam
Colorado Printis Green III – Vietnam

Compatriot Medals and Awards

Medals presented to Ladies on behalf of the SAR

Bronze Color GuardMedal

         Tommy Thompson                                    Buddy Irving

Bronze Good Citizenship Medal

State Distinguished Service Medal

approved by the state president at his discretion.

It is a one time award:

Glenn Shows

Daughter of Liberty Medal

              Nita Thompson                    Kathy Henry
Robert Higgins
Charles Beany
Paul Cartwright
William Tate Jr
Joesph Fleming
Walter Strebeck

Angela Woodrow

Martha Washington Medal

                Darla Goodfellow                  Betty Hall 
                Karen McBride                       Charla Jordan   
                Carmen  Humphrey              Ann Goodwin