Mississippi Society, Sons of the American Revolution

Registration is now Open

Check-in: 27-MAR-2025   ​Check-out: 30-MAR-2025.

The 2025 Keynote speaker is Julien Pierre Icher.

       Julien Pierre Icher is a 30-year-old French
national, Founder, and President of The
Lafayette Trail, Inc. (thelafayettetrail.org) He is a
graduate of the Ecole Normale Supérieure de
Lyon, one of the few French Grandes Ecoles. He
holds a bachelor's degree with a double major in history and geography, as well as two master's degrees: one in human geography, the other in digital geographies, with a focus on the integration of spatial data in web environments.

        The Lafayette Trail, Inc. (thelafayettetrail.org) is a nonprofit organization with the mission to document, map, and mark General Lafayette's footsteps during his Farewell Tour of the United States in 1824 and 1825. It aims to educate the public
about the national significance of Lafayette's Tour and to promote a broader understanding of Lafayette's numerous contributions to American independence and national coherence in preparation for the 2024-2025 tour bicentennial celebrations.

Dear Compatriots,

      The Natchez Chapter of the MSSSAR takes this opportunity to invite you to the 116th Annual Meeting of the Mississippi Society at the Natchez Grand Hotel and Convention Center on March 27 – 30, 2025, designated by the NSSAR as a Southern District Event.
      This meeting is special. It has been expanded to be bigger and broader in scope than any previous Annual Meeting. We have joined forces with a highly regarded organization called the Natchez Literary and Cinema Celebration (NLCC) which honors authors and cinematographers in various subjects. The NLCC operates through an endowment under Copiah-Lincoln Community College.
     In 2025 and 2026, the NLCC has chosen its subject to be American History leading into and through our Nation's 250th Anniversary. Once examined, a cooperative effort by the MSSSAR and NLCC was a "natural fit" to honor our Revolutionary Hero, General Lafayette, and would allow both of us to expand our meeting into a wonderful educational venue that would make a difference to our youth.
       The MSSSAR was allowed to develop the vast majority of the program. We are expanding with a two-day Living History Educational Venue for students on the West Lawn of Rosalie Mansion. Our Welcoming Reception will be held on the East Lawn and Gardens of Rosalie Mansion. Both venue sites donated by the MSSDAR. We will also be marking two Patriot Graves and holding receptions on the grounds of four beautiful antebellum homes.
     While the Natchez Grand is our "Host Hotel" with a block of rooms and most convenient to the Convention Center, Natchez has numerous very good hotels and local B&B's from which to choose for your stay. A list is included.

Let's have a party..............see you in Natchez!

John Sentell McBride, President

Natchez Convention Center 211 Main St

Natchez, MS 39120

Online registration is LIVE. Please click the White tab below.

Convention registration does not include a hotel reservation. Attendees must reserve hotel rooms on their own.

Convention ads are no longer being accepted.

Jak M. Smith


William Gray Chapter

Natchez Grand Hotel

 Broadway St

Natchez, MS 39120

2025 MS SAR

Jason Bird

Central MS Chapter

Annual Business Meeting & Convention

Mar 27-30 , 2025

Additional Speakers

Lodging Options

Banquet Guest Speaker:  Julien Pierre Icher

Banquet dress: 
Black Tie / coat & tie and appropriate dress for ladies   OR 
Period (1776 - 1825) Military / Civilian coat & cravat and appropriate dress for ladies
Our primary hotel is the Natchez Grand Hotel, located at  111 N Broadway St, Natchez, MS.  The room block that we have is currently closed. There may still be rooms, but you will need to paythe regular rate. Please click  HERE  to book a room. 

2025 Convention Schedule

We have an other hotel you can book a room at:
Holiday Inn Express -  $145.00 + 10% tax and $2.00 Occupancy tax
639 S Canal Street, Natchez, MS. This block exists until March 12.

Jerry Lilly

Gen. LaFayette

Deadline to register and make hotel reservations is

March 25, 2025.​

To Register for the convention, please click on the Convention Reservation form below. This will be up soon

If you have any questions, please use the contact us page and address to Past President Bryant Boswell.

William "Brother" Rogers