The David Murphree Chapter meets at 6:30pm on the 3rd Tuesday in March, May, September and November at the Los Encinos Restaurant located at 124 N. Tyson Rd. in Bruce, MS.
Larry Alan Helllums
The David Murphree Chapter, MSSSAR was chartered 8 December 1997 in the fellowship hall of the First Baptist Church in Bruce, Calhoun Co., MS. The chapter was named for patriot David Murphree (1760-1838), who, by family lore, supplied beef to the colonial cause, in North Carolina. 'David Murphree is listed in the Revolutionary War pay accounts as receiving Pay Voucher #8896 in the North Carolina Archives.' (1) He is buried in the Airmount Cemetery, Yalobusha Co., MS with a mill stone (his profession was miller) at his head. He was married to Jemima Cornelius sometime around 1795 and had 10 known children.
The Chapter was presented its charter by President-General Southern District elect William McKinney. The 17 charter members were: newly elected President Charlie Wayne Clark, newly elected Vice-President Roy Monroe Davis, newly elected Secretary/Treasurer Robert Gaston, newly elected Chaplain Rev. Benny C. Hill, members Euphas Dwight Ruth, William (Billy) B. Gordon, Sellers Gale Denley, Steven Wesley Hicks, Larry Leon Collins, James Harley (Flash) Gordon, Charles Dan Norman, James Lamar Roberts, Jr., Ronald B. Gordon, Ricky M. Griffin, Euphas Dwight (Butch) Ruth, Jr., James Milton Allen, Bradley Scott Allen and Alonzo (Sonny) Pryor, IV.
MSSSAR President Walter Buchanan (Buck) Meek and MSSSAR President-elect Dr. Andrew Jones were present to help with the program. Due to the sheer numbers of David Murphree descendants it was hoped that the Chapter would continue to increase its numbers. The Chapter was able to achieve an above 30 membership before the attritions of old age and disinterest took its toll.
"David Murphree was Grandfather to Dennis Murphree, who served as Mississippi Governor and Lieutenant Governor." (2)